The division is really less about the way someone voted, but the way we think about, talk about, and judge people for the way they voted.
I confess, my thoughts, words, and judgments haven’t always been the most loving this last year. I have some strong beliefs about how leaders and those in the public eye should carry themselves and treat others. When they belittle people or are hypocritical in judging others, it upsets me. The danger is that I can easily start being like them.
Being kind and trying to be a peacemaker isn’t held with much regard in our society. However, I think of Paul’s words to disciples of Jesus:
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Romans 12:18 (NIV)
It saddens me that families are divided this Thanksgiving because of politics or social views. As disciples of Jesus, we need to hold to the truth. But we can listen to other perspectives respectively, try to understand why people make choices different than ours, and love them anyway. We can’t control how others act these holidays, but as far as it depends on us, let’s be as Christ-like as possible.
We wish you all a great Thanksgiving!
If we belong to Jesus, we have every reason to be grateful!