I’m not sure I could ever choose to be friends with someone who didn’t have good intentions. Except for Cathy, I didn’t get to choose my family. Since I didn’t get to choose them, I am eternally grateful for the good intention of every member of my family.
The reason the word “intention” is on my mind this week is because my dad had a mass offered with an "intention" for my mom yesterday.
I hope you have surrounded yourself with people with good intentions, even if they aren’t perfect. Let’s do our best to keep our intentions toward others good, even those we have a hard time with. They may say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but I’d much rather journey this life’s road with people of good intention.
And for those of us who believe in God, our belief about His intention toward us is critical. I pray that we know and experience more and more that His intention is good, and that it paves the way to heaven not hell.