Joe killed it on this hole! It's steeper than it looks.
I watched an old movie I love, Galaxy Quest, with Joe and my wife, Cathy.
It even started snowing on our cold, windy walk this morning.
There is no doubt it is easier to be happy when we are getting what we want, but for some of us happiness comes easier than for others. Social science tells us some people are born with a predisposition for having a positive attitude; some of us are born with a predisposition toward depression. While I believe in the gift of freewill, it is obvious some people have more access to things that bring earthly happiness. Joy is more a condition of the heart that points to an eternal gift of contentment and peace we will find in heaven. Even when life is not going our way, there are things we can do to increase our joy. Cathy shared the following with us.
1. Focus on the blessings rather than the trials
We got a bigger tax bill than we expected this year. But we had the money to be able to pay it. We are healthy enough to work. We were able to pay it because people are good enough to employ us.
2. Focus on the One who is bigger than the trials
As a former colleague used to tease me when I seemed anxious, “Why pray when you can worry?” Am I really sharing my trials with God and giving them to Him in prayer?
3. Find scripture, music, activities, people that focus on joy
I got to play frisbee with my brother and Evan, a boy who goes to our church after the service, even though it was getting windy and colder. Most people I know say they don’t want to live past 100. Matt said after the service he’s going to live to 122 You have to have some joy in your life to want to be around until your 122! Cathy shared that some of the music she listened to made her happy, but it is better for her when she listens to music that focuses on joy. Here is one of our favorites for bringing us some joy.
Zach Williams- Old Church Choir
4. Focus on deepening your relationship with God
Scripture tells us that the fruit the Holy Spirit gives is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law that can take these gifts away from us (Galatians 5:22-23). Christians believe that the fullness of joy is found in the fullness of the hope we have in God, not in the temporary things of this world that make us happy. Whatever your beliefs, I hope and pray you find some joy this week!