They look very much alike to me. What makes the biggest difference in what they produce?
Certainly, Muscadine grapes are better cared for. Someone is much more likely to provide the proper soil conditions, make sure they get enough water, and prune them when needed. It is much more likely someone is watching out for weeds, bugs, and critters that might damage the grapes.
But by far the most important factor in what kind of grape ends up being produced is what kind of vine the grapes is connected to. When it comes to most things in life, the saying “garbage in, garbage out” holds more than a little truth. The truth may be hidden for a period of time, but it tends to come out.
The kinds of environments we put ourselves in are important. Protecting ourselves from influences that steal our vitality makes a difference in how healthy we are. Jesus taught the same thing to His disciples. But He also taught us that Who we anchor our lives in makes the biggest difference in the quality of the “fruit” we bear.
When we start feeling like we are becoming even a bit toxic to ourselves or others, it might be good to first consider who or what we are most connected to. Jesus told His disciples He is the “True Vine.” Finding our source of life in Him is the best way to produce fruit that is good, eternal, and worth sharing with others.