But there is one petition God has answered for me abundantly, “Give us this day our daily bread.” Jesus wants us to ask God for the provision we need each day. God has more than abundantly answered that prayer. More than is even good for me!
This year one of my goals has been to cut down on the sweets and desserts I eat. That’s especially true during Lent. I’ve even been giving desserts and sweets away to people, but more keep showing up! Just last week Cathy found a large box of cookies my dad gave us at Christmas. Her mom just gave us chocolate covered peanuts she made and some of the cookies we had given her. I gave away some of the Girls Scout cookies we bought (as a good deed!) but two boxes still are left. And I can’t help but buy chocolate at Aldi’s that is so good and inexpensive. It seems the more food I give away, the more that shows up in our house!
How about you? What are you praying for? When you pray the Lord’s Prayer, what are the petitions that are most on your heart? Are you grateful for the prayers God has answered, sometimes even more abundantly than we notice?
My encouragement this Lent is to pray. Pray intentionally. This world needs prayer. But let’s not take for granted all the prayers God has answered.
Just this morning the Tyner Men’s Group tempted me with these! Maybe I could use a day or two without God blessing me so much.