Cathy asked anyone who was getting too much encouragement lately to raise their hand. Not one hand went up. I believe those of us there represent most people. Many, many people are tired these days, but we are not tired from getting encouraged too much.
Two of our fellow Purdue Boilermaker sports fans invited us to a basketball game last night. Here is a picture taken during the final minute of the game.
Do you think they felt encouraged? Do you think the team’s encouragement for each other makes it more or less likely players will do whatever they can to help Purdue have a successful season?
How about those on “Team Jesus”? Do you think our encouragement of others makes them more or less likely to want to be part of the team of His disciples? Do you think encouraging each other helps our discipleship efforts for Jesus?
Paul wrote to the early church:
just as in fact you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)