I love my home state of Indiana. But when you come back from spring break in a place like Florida, New Mexico, or Texas, heading through the clouds can bring you down in more ways than one. Several times Cathy and I have returned from good times in warm and sunny places to rain or snow and dreary gray. Often life is like that.
They say even on the dreariest day just beyond the clouds the sun is still shining. I was reminded of that this trip. Our boys are still there even if I can't see them every day. Finn is still a great dog even if I can't pet him. And the sun is surely shining even when I can't see it.
Even on the days life lets us down, God's love is still there. So, I encourage you to hang in there. And remember, this season of Lent points to the breakthrough of Love and Light that will forever overcome the darkness, sin and death we face on even the worst of days.